martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

English Language Challenges

Hi, this is the last post! After 4 years in the university I finally go to end the 4 english levels. Even in the school I don’t have good marks in english, in the university the english class was not very difficult to me.

This is the third level of English that I do, because I didn’t have to do the first. Sincerely, was not bad to have courses of English, because in the future I will use this language a lot in my futures works.
Although I already completed the 4 levels of english, I dont feel very prepared in English. I think my weakest part is the time of writing. I think the I have to do to improve it is study more.  Also, for me is difficult talk in English, and I think to improve it I should speak more.

Usually I do not use much English. Sometimes when I hear a song in English attempt to understand it, but it's not very common to do so. In addition, the university sometimes I have to read some short texts in English. Besides sometimes I see there videos on English and try to understand them.

That was all in this blog. I hope someday I can visit this blog again and laugh for the many problems of writing in it.


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