martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

A photograph I like

This photograph is one of my favorites. In it you can see Pelé and Bobby Moore in the quarterfinals of the World Cup 1970. Pelé played for the national team of Brazil and Bobby Moore for the England national team.

I would really like football, and I think this photograph is much that must mean soccer as the most popular sport in the world. Although the match was very important for both players, they are very respectful in the picture.

Although Booby Moore want to take the ball to Pelé, Moore does not touch or hit. Not me who took the picture and although is not a famous famous pictures, for me is the one that best represents what it is soccer.

One of the fun facts about this photo is that Pele wrote a letter to a Brazilian journalist where he talks about the picture. This letter said:

"Dear brother Armando:

If ever deescribes this action with Booby More in your book "Crystal Ball", you could say that we were being too friendly to be in the quarterfinals of a World Cup, but the sport is that.

Your friend, Pelé. "

For images like this it is that football is the beautiful game.

Thank you for reading!

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